“The Eastern Student Government Association and Student Services were happy to put on an ice cream social event on August 19. This event allows for clubs and organizations on campus to meet and greet new students and introduce them to the host of groups that make up our student government. Our student government elected officers are Brianna Stockton, President; Brooklyn Allen, Vice President; Leila Aaron, Treasurer; and Ryan Stockton, Secretary dished out frozen treats to our attendees while each group was furnished with a topping to share with students as they passed by. All in all, the event was a success and we feel that this year has started off on the right foot,” Bryan Denny, Director of Student Life and adviser of ESGA, said.
“We are a part of the United Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian and Episcopal churches. Events are open to everyone no matter what their religion or beliefs. Discussion groups and activities on Wednesday nights. Find them on Instagram,” Dana Huge, a member of the United Ministry, said.
“For everyone; our big event is the International Food Fest!” Maria Martinez, the adviser of the Multicultural and International Club, said.
The Multicultural and International Club focuses around the group of international students who come to Eastern. Every April, the International Food Fest is held and showcases one or more food piece from each country the students are from; usually homemade at Eastern.
The next club, Chi Alpha, is run by Dianna Ranallo. The group meets every Monday at 7pm in the conference room in the library.
“This year the Photo Club is really going to focus on getting out and taking photos at events on and off campus. I would also like to see about taking a trip each semester to some sort of photo-specific event or exhibit. The Photo Club has been around for over 20 years, and we used to have a strong focus on travel. While I don’t plan on any international trips this year, I would like for us to go out and experience some things that are locally available to us. When things get going, I would like for us to meet every other week,” adviser Kristen Turner said.
Mountaineer Theatre Club is making a comeback after being away for some time. Professor Timothy O’Neal, Speech Department Chair, is the new adviser for the club and contact for more information at
“Social science Club makes you normal,” Paul Wills, the adviser for the organization, jokes. The club will also be doing social experiments, E-Gaming and Mystery Theater.
“Aggie club is the largest student organization on campus. The club is mostly composed of Agriculture majors, however we encourage all students, regardless of major, to join. We host numerous events throughout the year, so if you think you might be interested, there’s always an Aggie Club event just around the corner. So, swing by and check it out.” Adviser Larriann Livingstone said.
“That’s it’s open to any student in the math or science area including pre health majors. $5 dollars gets you a lifetime membership we meet monthly there is always food served. We bring in speakers such as recruits from other university and working professionals to expand carry options,” Adviser Dr.Ratliff said.
The BCM is ran by Lance Burnett and is ran across the street from regent’s in the BCM building and they have service on Tuesday nights at 8:30pm and also serve free lunch on Wednesday between 11am and 1pm.
“The Bible Chair is back up and running, and our building is open again we would like for you to come see us,” Adviser John Kitchen said. The Bible Chair is located at 610 SW 11th Street, Wilburton, OK 74578, which is just down the street from Eastern.
The ice cream social was the first event of the Fall 2019 semester and was an absolute success. Many individuals came to enjoy ice cream and check out organizations. time to join any of these organizations creates more campus and student life here at Eastern. Hopefully there are more events like this to come in the future and continue to help Eastern organizations thrive and grow.