Easy Dorm Cooking

By JESSICA DOYEL, Staff Writer


Things you need:

  • 9-inch microwave safe plate 
  • Fork (or other such utensil to handle the hot bacon with)
  • Some paper towels

Food you need:

  • ½ pound sliced bacon

How to make it!

  • Line the plate with paper towels (about 4-5 layers)
  • Place the slab bacon on the paper towels (no need to seperate them yet)
  • Cover bacon with one paper towel
  • Microwave on HIGH for 5 minutes
  • Take the plate out and use the fork to separate the bacon into pieces
  • Re-cover the plate with the paper towel
  • Microwave on HIGH for another 5 minutes
  • Remove from microwave and transfer the bacon to clean paper towels (to drain off the excess fat and grease)
  • FOR EXTRA CRISPY BACON, return desired number of pieces to the microwave and cook for another minute

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