“I am planning to major in Vertical Engineering. I am trying to dual major with that and Asian Studies. I have always been interested in other cultures and studying Japanese [language]. I started watching Japenese movies and I had a family that had adopted a Japenese girl and her english was very poor and she was sitting there twiddling her thumbs and she didn’t know how to speak to anyone because she had only studied English for a few months. I went up there and introduced myself in Japanese and she saw that my Japenese was very poor. It opened her up to speaking more English and after that experience, I figured that I would just delve myself into it more.
“I want to do an abroad learning and then go to the Tokyo University for probably three years and then live outside of Tokyo. I do have a friend that knows a high end engineer up there, but I’m planning to go there and learn their ways that they do it; like the types of metals that they use to hold buildings up through tsunamis and earthquakes and bring that here and have our engineering be better.” – Anonymous