The Virtues of Classical Music


Without a doubt, classical and orchestral music does not receive the praise it deserves. Not only did these genres of music create the art of music, but also create the concept of music in every genre of music itself.

In 2012, in a cave along the German French border, scientists found a set of flutes constructed out of bird bone and mammoth tusk ivory. According to the British Broadcasting Channel, the flutes date back to around forty-three thousand years old, which makes the earliest form of classical music and instruments thousands of years old. Our favor towards orchestral music dates back to as early as 500 A.D. and the popularity would end near the early 19th Century as vocalized music surpassed the once beloved genre.

The art of classical music would peak in the 14th Century and stay strong until the 18th Century. This time frame was where some of the famous composers, such as Bache, Beethoven and Wagner, showed their talents. In the early 17th Century, opera was introduced and was the first form of vocalized music to compete with that of the orchestral variety.

There are several benefits classical music possesses and offers to its listeners. According to, classical music has the ability to reduce blood pressure, enhance memory, reduce stress, and improve quality of sleep. These things are all very beneficial for students and professors.

Since classical music has the ability to enhance memory, it is one of the best things to listen to while studying. It may make some tired, but it really does help people retain the information they are learning and improve grades.

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